Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Titian and The Royal Wedding

So the news reports are increasing in scope.  The Royal Wedding is hitting the daily news reports with the same intensity as the revolutions in Lybia and Syria and the war in Afghanistan.  Why?  I fully realize that Kate may be Queen of England one day, but that is a figurehead position anyway.  It doesn't carry any true political clout, the power of the monarchy was eliminated by statute long ago.  She is cute, personable, and will no doubt be a refreshing change in the palace, but she's down the line a ways, isn't she?  Wouldn't long-suffering and generally unpopular Prince Charles move into the throne if Elizabeth dies?  Charles and Camilla would then become the King and Royal Consort?  I could be totally mistaken...I'm not a native British person and the royals have always seemed a little bit silly to me.  Fun, but silly.  But I'll be watching, like many others over here in the US, because it is a wedding and weddings are always fun to watch.  And I wish them all the luck in their lives and happiness with each other and any children that they may have. 

Titian - Venus Rising from the Sea

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts has had an exhibit on Titian and other Renaissance Masters.  It ends on Sunday, and we had wanted to see it, so I quickly purchased tickets for Sunday this morning and we'll go and see it.  Then we get to find time to go see the King Tut exhibit at the Science Museum inbetween summer conferences and Renaissance Festival.  I'll just make sure we get to that too, since we both want to see it.  So at least I have something fun to look forward to on Sunday, I always enjoy going to the Institute. 

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