Monday, April 25, 2011

Optomistic for the Week

I'm optomistic for the week to come, at least I will be until I take a look at last week's sales number - they weren't so great. But, we're hanging in there and that's all I can ask for. And I'm still on track for the various commitments that I've made.

 I received my kit for the 2012 Beading for a Cure last week, and have been thinking about what I want to make since then. I've almost made up my mind, but I need to do a test piece or two first, so I'll have to try and get come items cut and try some experiments this week so that I can see whether my initial thoughts will work or not.

 I had a lovely Easter Sunday. My sister-by-marriage invited all of her kids and their kids and her father and us over for an Easter brunch. We were instructed to not bring anything, so we didn't, but there was lots of excellent food from all of the kids and she had a large ham. There was bacon, an incredible egg bake, french toast, fruit, carmel rolls, it was really awesome. And the kids were fun too, in spite of the fact that kids are not always my friends. The oldest, Emma, is six, Lexi is five, then there is Ian and Flynn, both around 2 and the two babies, Izzy and Delaney. Delaney is our newest grand-neice and is cute as a button. It was lovely to see the nieces and nephews and their spouses again, I had a really nice time. Two hours later we were back home and playing LOTRO with my friend from California for a few hours, and then we topped the night by watching "Jesus Christ Superstar". A perfect day. I hope you have a great day today, and think of some creative project for your week to come.

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