Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One More Time

So, today I go back to my Dentist for one more visit to put the whole trauma behind me.  I get a permanent filling in my tooth and then I'm finished with this tooth issue.  What a ride it was.  I will be very happy to get off this one and begin the journey on a different track.  I have been assured that no shots will be necessary, so I'll be fine and I'm not even nervous. 

I am still writing, and just got my assignment for the next challenge piece.  Now to try and think of something with humor.  I tend to be more full of angst and pathos, but I can do humor.  I think.  It will be a good challenge for me. 

Driving to work yesterday, after having to purchase two new tires because of pothole damage, I noticed that my Egret has returned to his little lake.  That means that spring is finally here.  I can't ever look at him and not be happy to see him.  He's so beautiful and he makes my day.  Today, of course, it is snowing, so he might be a bit early, but it is a wet snow that won't stay long.  Still, his timing might have been really bad this year :-)

Today, since it is my day off and my studio day, will be filled with artistic things.  I want to continue working on my digital art tutorials.  I am determined to get this technique nailed, but it is a long haul for my old brain - LOL.  Have a creative, artistically satisfying day!

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