Saturday, April 30, 2011

Falling Into Place

It's been a hectic week, but things are falling into place.  My father-by-marriage lost power earlier this week and it turned out that the reason was something that will cause an electrician to remedy.  Unfortunately the code requirements that he will be required by law to deal with are major, so I contacted two highly recommended people (thanks, Angie's List) and the first walk-through was Friday morning with the second contractor coming to bid on Tuesday morning.  Then we can go on from there. 

I also have been on the hunt for a new accountant since I was dumped by my previous one over an IRS action.  I think I may have found a good one (another thank you for Angie's List).  I spent quite a bit of time speaking with him on Thursday and I will schedule an appointment next week to meet him face-to-face along with my DH and we'll see if everyone gets a good feeling.  If so, I will have found a new accountant and that would be a load from my back. 

I did a drabble that seeems to have hit people very well, I've gotten a lot of positive comments on it which makes me feel great.  I got the first step completed for my Beading for a Cure 2012 project.  I have it sitting in front of me now to figure out Step 2, but that will come clear by Wednesday when I can proceed.  I've had several excellent books that I've been reading on my Nook, so my mind has been happily immersed in some alternative worlds.  And, of course, there was a wedding across the Pond that turned out to be well worth watching and enjoying.  All in all, it was a good week. 

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