Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winding Down the Week

I think I haven't been so grateful to have a week come to an end in a long time.  This week has been very difficult - the toothache, the snow shoveling, the customers (lots of hand holding and individual guidance for my customers this week) and then I pulled one of the stories that I wrote because I just hated what I had written and had to take the time to write it again.  *sigh*  Today is Saturday - pasta for dinner tonight, something that I look forward to all week.  But today's story focus is already causing me conniptions, oy! 

 Is there a book, or at least a novella hiding inside my computer?  My
on-line friends who have been reading my stories for the month are
trying to convince me to continue writing.  Maybe....

I hope to be able to relax a bit tomorrow.  I'll play Lord of the Rings Online.  They had an update earlier in the week and changed a bunch of things that will take me a bit to get accustomed to.  And I'll try to write, although Sundays is a bit harder for me to find the thinking time.  I'd like to do some beading, and I really have to start thinking about some of the art projects that I have hanging over my head :-) 

The etched copper disk on the top of the box has the Tengwar
script for the translation below which is on the inside cover.  Etching
copper is one of my art forms.  I have done it for many years. 

This is my FINAL update.  Please look and bid - BID HIGH - on my hand-made Tolkien-inspired jewelry box.  It really is an amazing piece of art along with being a functional item, and all of the monies go to help alleviate colorectal cancer.  Dig deep, people.  Let's start making a difference by one beautiful item at a time. 

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