Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Driving, Skating, What's the Difference?

We're almost at the end of our winter.  The past week has been warm enough that snowbanks in the open have mostly melted, and the rain that we had also helped that.  But last night we got a lovely double-whammy - a sleet storm followed by snow.  We've had snow much later in the year in the past, so this is not unexpected, but it is always rather disheartening when we start to feel spring in our hearts and we get crap like this.  So I'll be shoveling again this morning and spending time with that before I get the lovely opportunity literally drive all over the cities to deliver things or pick things up.  I think I deserve a nice breakfast - LOL. 

Obviously I am in the wrong century (this is from the 1880's). 
I notice that their little building is not well made and that they
are apparently marketing these towards children.  What a difference
a century plus makes - LOL. 

I broke down and took two Aleve last night and actually slept through the night without pain.  I am grateful, I don't think there is anything worse than tooth aches - they are directly in your head and just interfere with every thought and process.  The ache is at such a low level.  I promise, if I feel any sharp pains I'll see my dentist immediately but while it is just aching, I'll just watch it carefully. 

This is my B2ME passport for Days 1-12.  I've now completed through
Day 22, so I'll have LOTS more location stamps the next time I download
my passport.  Such fun! 

I am continuing to participate in Back to Middle Earth month and haven't missed a day's worth of storytelling yet.  I think that my writing skills are improving as I work on this, and I am certain that my editing skills are getting much better.  Today is the 23rd, so there are eight days remaining and I can hardly wait to see what the other storyline prompts will be.  I guess I'll have to continue writing, at least a bit, because I'm enjoying it too much.  Finally - a "hobby" that won't cost mega dollars for me to participate in - LOL. 

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