Monday, February 21, 2011


After a week of wonderful warm temperatures, even into the 50's F on one day, snow returned to us on Sunday with a vengence.  We shoveled in the afternoon, and managed to get to the appliance store and the grocer in the late afternoon.  But we had a total of 10"-12" of snow and it will continue throughout today.  I have a lot of shoveling to do just to get out of the driveway

It is pretty, isn't it?  Of course, the more important
thing it that it will work!  I'm not thrilled with
the style, but DH loves it, so I'll deal with it. 

We chose a new refrigerator yesterday.  They did knock $200 off the price for us, and we also managed to negotiate them into an extended service plan for a very small amount.  The fridge will be delivered on Tuesday.  So, while I cleaned out our current fridge, emptying as much as I could to recycle the containters, DH went outside to check the width of our entryway walk to make sure that the fridge can actually make it into the house.  The delivery guys will have to remove the doors of the old and the new fridge to get it through our interior doorway - it is only 29 inches across - very tight.  But it's their job and I'm sure they will do it just fine.  It will be a relief to have a fridge again. 

So, while DH was checking the width of the walkway, I went out with him to look it over.  On the way back to the garage to re-enter the house, I hit a patch of ice and fell - hard.  The back of my head impacted against the rain gutter.  I am quite grateful about that, because below the gutter is just concrete which could have been very, very bad.  But, I ended up chipping a tooth from this, so I'll phone my dentist today and see if he can squeeze me in to take a look and maybe smooth things out a bit.  I'm just worried that it may have caused a crack all the way up the tooth in the back, and I can't see that. 

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