Thursday, January 20, 2011

Into the Big Freeze

It was such a relief to have a computer again.  I started work on my next metal project, researching the hieroglyphics that I want and what I want them to say.  It is disappointing to me how much I have forgotten on reading my hieroglyphs, but parts of it did start to come back.  As usual, I'll have to skip-hop through my multitudes of alphabets to find all of the characters that I need.  This took me longer than I had anticipated, so I didn't get as much done during my day off as I wanted.  But, if I can get this together within the next week, I can get the metal cut and ready for the image transfer next week. 

I've been wanting to make a sistrum for several years.  Having
the Tut exhibit starting next month was a good kick to get this
made.  I'll etch the metal with hieroglyphics, but I doubt that I'll
enamel this, I don't think it will lend itself to enamel, although I'll
consider it. 

I got the bill from my Guru, and he was a real sweetheart, only charging me for 1-1/4 hours of work, even though we were on the phone with each other for almost two hours.  I'll get a check sent out to him by the end of the week, I have to make sure that I deposit enough money for this unexpected repair today. 

And we're into the deep freeze for the next two days.  Today it is sub-zero (-5F, -20C)and will creep up into the low teens for temp, but tomorrow we'll have overnight temps down to -15F (-26C).  Since my roof is "a disaster just waiting" according to my husband, I am not looking forward to the melt that will eventually come when the temps creep back up again. 

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