Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Off? Definitions...

The definition of my "day off" or "studio day" differs depending on what is on my list to have to accomplish before I can spend time with what I want to accomplish.  The difference is between "have to" and "want to" and today, the have-to's are winning.  I get to start my day in western Minneapolis dropping a belt buckle off with my silversmith for an alteration.  I probably could do this on my own silver bench, but I haven't had the time to pick up my torch in too long and I don't feel comfortable taking a chance with a customer's property.  If it was my own property I could go ahead and take the chance, but not someone else's.  So, first stop, my silversmith.  Then, my DH's computer won't start.  So I phoned Dale, my computer guru, and I will have to drop my DH's CPU off to him after 10am.  He is in the far north part of the suburbs.  If I'm lucky he can do a fix while I wait.  I'll find out.  Otherwise, I'll have to pop back up there later in the day to pick it up.  I also have to drop by my box people to check for boxes, and drop a pair of pants back at the tailor's so that she can shorten them.  She made them for my DH for Christmas and they are slightly too long. 

"Da Grape" and I will be driving all over town today, doing
errands on my "day off" or my "studio day".  One of these
days I'll have a "real" day off - LOL.

Then, more or less, the day becomes my own.  That means that I can work on my own computer while doing 2-3 loads of laundry.  I have a drawing that I've been wanting to work on for the past three weeks that I may be able to get to the next stage, and of course there is the seductive siren song of reading on my Nook.  It's a powerful song.  And, I did get all three of my classes at Bead & Button yesterday.  That makes me very broke, but also pleased and leaves me with the next task - that of collecting the appropriate supplies for the classes.  I also have two metalworking projects and one major beading project in the works - an Egyptian collar that I would like to wear when I see the Tut exhibit here within the next 2-3 months, and I want to make a sistrum - something that has been on my mental list to make for several years. day off.  Up at 3:15 am, asleep at 10:15 pm and all of the above in my day.  As long as I can get some of my own activities done between the errands and obligations, I'll be happy. 

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