Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dreams of Dogs

Usually when I dream of dogs, it is my dear Pookah who is with me once again.  Pookah was a mutt - a terrier/? mix that my sister-in-law's dog gave birth to.  She became my dog when we moved up here and lived for almost 19 years.  We haven't had any more dogs because my husband can't bear to love and lose.  He has never learned to treasure the times we have.  But I don't want to push, and I do want to travel, so I live dogless right now.  But they are often in my dreams. 

Look at this beautiful six-week-old puppy.  He'll
grow up to be a great companion dog. 

Last night's dog was a bit more unusual for me.  My companion last night was a variant of an Old English Bulldog.  A fantastic breed, they have great courage; they aren't fast, but they are consistent.  This particular dog of my dreams had a body type very similar to an Old English, but more compact, and a face more like a pit bull - also a beautiful dog.  He was mellow and perfectly content to sleep on my motel bed while I was taking classes at a place called "Fellowship".  Fellowship was a small, oddly-shaped stone building that had a larger front room where I was working on my activities.  In the back room was an even smaller room where several people were working on the smallest frame loom I have ever seen, working with threads of silk.  The entire loom fit on an old-fashioned typewriter table, but was perfectly functional.  Bizarre.  But it was making a really beautiful weave on a ribbon of silk.  Maybe this location is in my future.  I can't say for sure, but I can think of worse places to have spent my night.  Have a creative day and pet a dog. 

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