Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Clean and Strip

So, today's goal is simple.  Bring books up to Sharon's room and start an assembly line to strip boxes.  First the books.  I haven't been able to continue cleaning the den because I don't have anyplace for my books.  My books are truly getting out of control.  I need to start culling my books, but for the moment all that I can do is put them into a locale where they will be out of the way but still accessible.  I've been using Sharon's room as secondary book storage for several years, but I need to make it more functional.  It is a store-room and currently has two broken VCR's and a couple of non-functional and very old TV's in it that need to be recycled.  I need to determine where I can take these and get them out of there.  Then I need to buy or make some new bookshelves for that room that will have more storage room than the old ones that are in there now.  Finally, I need to cull through the paperbacks and get rid of a lot of them, selling them back for pennies.  But I need the room for my art books and technique books. 

My house could be this bad.  I really need to get
my books under control. 

And second, I need to start working seriously on my boxes.  I love my boxes, but they are taking over my life and my space.  So I need to start stripping the ones that I want to work on next.  I want to strip the finish on all of my Onyx boxes as well as two or three others that I have plans for, and then I can refinish them and begin work on the decoration part. 

Chemicals and elbow grease will allow me to
refinish my boxes into new artwork.  It will
be LOADS of fun.

The last thing I want to do today is update my Silhouette software that I have on my laptop, and try a few more experiments.  I also have gift cards for $35 of downloadable clipping shapes and want to look through the options and determine which ones I want to purchase.  And finally, at the end of the day we may get a new lawnmower from a friend who replaced her's with an electric model.  She wants to get rid of her old one and we need one since ours is dying after 30 years, so we're happy to take it off her hands for her. 
GO TWINS!  Beat those NY Yankees!

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