Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vacation Countdown

I leave tomorrow - early - because I have a dinner date with a bunch of friends at 6pm.  So I have to hit the road no later than 6am to be there, checked in and unpacked on time.  I still have 1-2 loads of laundry to push through tonight, trash and recycling to do tomorrow, and I still have to pack my clothes.  I think I purchased everything that the store will need while I'm gone, and if the computer gods are smiling on me, the store computers will work properly for a week!  I have a ton of work to do today, and want to squeeze one last mail order out of the door this morning so I'll be hitting the store running.  A nine hour drive will seem like a vacation in itself after the last few days of rush, rush, rush. 
The PMC Conference Logo

I finally got my charms for the conference finished.  Starting with more than 40, I ended up with less than 30 that were useable.  It was a project that was cursed from the beginning with my PPP light not working properly, then the attempted firing schedule didn't work correctly - TWICE.  I finally used a different firing schedule for the metal clay and that worked, but I had a lot of extra prep work to do because of that schedule.  A day or so later I realized that enameling on the charms wouldn't be possible (I was VERY bummed about that) but that made me focus on alternative coloration and I ended up deciding to Liver of Sulphur the charms.  Which caused my glass bowl to fracture, spilling Liver of Sulpher all over my workbench and floor.  The charms dried and I hit them at the polisher the next morning, attached crystals on Sunday and Monday morning, bagged them and attached them to my business cards.  So...they are ready.  Now all I have to do is remember to pack them -

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