Tuesday, January 21, 2025

ARGH and Sharon's Retiring! YAHOO!

I'm officially going on record that I'm really pissed off at DH for giving me his cold. I'm not constantly coughing the way that he is, but there's a tenseness in my lungs. Of course, I have my MRI scheduled for Thursday where I CAN'T move, so coughing isn't on the menu. Yeah ... I'm pissed. 

Coughing - bleh! I'd better not have a coughing fit 
while I'm getting my MRI on Thursday. 

We're in the deep freeze here in the Frozen Northlands, and I gave in last night and added my Mom's crocheted afghan to my bedding. I was warm and cozy, so I decided to allow myself a bit more sleep (desperately needed). Thus, today's post is a short one. 

I was warm and cozy under the blankets once I added 
my Mom's afghan to the layers. But it's frigid outside, 
and I'm not looking forward to going to the shop. 

My BFF Sharon has turned in her documentation and will be retired from being the BEST Librarian in the Denver Public Library system, on February 1st. I'm so pleased for her. She has loved being a librarian, posted at a crazy little library with some serious class. I know she'll enjoy her retirement too, but it will be a radical change for her. Mazeltov, my dear friend! 

Sharon has worked at the Decker Library branch for many 
years. It's a charming building constructed in 1912 and 
restored in 1993. It's got class, and it's loved by its' neighborhood. 


And that's it for today. Short, to the point, and I'm heading up for breakfast and then out into the -18F temperatures. Ick! Have a wonderful Tuesday and I'll be here tomorrow. 

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