Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Life's Milestones - Plans and Achievements

Today is a rather momentous day in my life. This afternoon, at 2:00 pm, I'm due at my Orthodontist's for the complete removal of my braces. It's been a long journey, but a very worthwhile one. I'm thrilled with my new teeth, and hope they won't look too weird, given that their surfaces have had a band of metal around them for almost two years. It will be absolutely WONDERFUL to have them gone and just a retainer to wear every night. I can do that! 

I'll be getting a set of custom retainers similar to this 
to wear every night. That certainly won't be a problem, 
and since I don't have any pets, they're probably going 
to last me for a good long while. 

Also, I finally got the final invoice for my treadmill in email yesterday. I'll transfer the funds over to my HSA account today and get that paid. If all goes well, I'll have a treadmill in my den within 2-3 weeks. I'm very anxious about that. 

It's far from an inexpensive purchase, but our last one 
wasn't cheap either. The one thing I DO know is that 
a treadmill in my household gets USED. I'll have to 
come down on DH's case if he doesn't clean it properly 
after every use. I'm going to be pretty picky about that. 

I had an online conference with my physician yesterday. We're both very unhappy with the bone density scan results. She set out a plan of action, and I started trying to set up appointments with the various people yesterday. I think I'm looking at next year for actually getting in to see some of these people. *sigh* I should have gone into medicine. It seems that it's an ever-growing field. Of course the fact that I'm needle-phobic made that an impossibility, but ... retail was a poor career choice - LOL. 

I survived to be able to write for the next topic 
in LJ Idol. I'm thrilled, and know that your votes 
made all the difference. I'm on to the next topic now, 
which is due on Friday! I have to get going on that. 
I have ideas, but ideas won't win me votes, only a 
good tale will. 

And I live to write another day. I survived the vote and have received the next challenge which is due on Friday. I have ideas for what to write, but haven't had a moment to breathe and compose. I'll HAVE to get something down on screen today, though. My stories usually come together in revision, not in the first draft, and I need to focus. So ... it's going to be a VERY busy day. Just the time at the orthodontist will take most of the afternoon. It's a good thing I've got a refrigerator full of food to eat from last week's cooks. I'll have to work six days in a row next week because of Chickie's vacation, and I know I'll be scraping the bottom of the food barrel by the time she returns - LOL. Have an excellent day and THANK YOU for your votes for my tales. Every vote counts and being in it for this long makes me VERY happy. Slava Ukraini. 

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