Monday, July 29, 2024

LJ Idol - Thanks For Your Votes and The Olympics, Of Course!

Happy Monday. Today begins a new writing challenge for LJ Idol. I'll make sure to let you know when and where to vote, if you decide it's worth a vote after reading my latest. Of course, I still have to write it, but it's due on Wednesday, so I don't have a lot of time to think about it - LOL. All for the better, though. I write better on the fly and under a bit of pressure. 

Nothing like a 48 hour turnaround to make me have to 
think on the run. I have the beginnings of what I want 
to write in my head, but it's nowhere close to being input 
on the keyboard yet. Still, this theme should be a fun one. 

Thanks to all of your votes, I ended up in the upper percentile for my previous story. I didn't win, but I had a very respectable total. I couldn't do it without your votes, so thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!. 

I couldn't keep going in LJ Idol without your votes. 
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! 

DH and I were glued to the TV for the Olympics yesterday (of course). Swimming and gymnastics, I caught some of the surfing on Peacock, and a bit of the cross-country. *sigh* That was wonderful! Riding horses through the gardens of Versailles! Glorious - simply glorious! So far the Paris Olympics have been enthralling and wonderful to watch. The women's archery was SO close! The skateboarding was thrilling, and the swimming was fast, fast, fast! A total win of a Sunday. 

These kids! They had the urban portion of skateboarding 
yesterday, and the kids (because I think they're all less 
than 20 years old, and the winner was 14, if I recall 
correctly) these kids just shredded it! Awesome to watch. 

I tried a new recipe for dinner. I'd repeat this one. DH purchased a pork loin, and usually I have a rather standard recipe for one of those, but I wanted to play a bit. So I found a recipe for a great sweet and sour sauce to use for it, made it (then thickened it because it was WAY too thin to "slather on") and popped it into the oven. It turned out REALLY tasty, so I was quite happy. We've got leftovers for a day or two, and that's a win also. 

So far, Paris is doing itself proud. The various venues are 
amazing, the competition is top notch, the options, with 
Peacock, are allowing me to watch the competitions I'm 
interested in like the surfing in French Polynesia with some 
excellent waves! It's been great so far! 

So, I'm going to wrap this up. I need to think about my next story - the general topic was assigned yesterday evening. I need to warp it around in my head a bit, but I don't have too much time - as I said above, it's due on Wednesday. As usual, there are a lot of different ways the prompt could be taken. I'm looking forward to reading the stories presented by my competitors. I always think that's one of the best things about writing competitions - reading the works of others based on the same criteria as your own. Have an excellent Monday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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