Saturday, May 11, 2024

Meandering Thoughts for my Birthday - Feel Free to Disagree - LOL

Have you ever checked what happened in the year of your birth? Most of the time, I don't really care. But since today is a MAJOR birthday, I decided to look back and share with all of you. One of the benefits of getting older is being able to do retrospectives like this - LOL. 

So, in 1954, the year of my birth, the following things happened: 

The Year 1954 Major News Events 70 Years Ago

  1. Senator Joseph McCarthy is censured, bringing an end to his witch hunt of Communists
  2. The First Indo-China War Ends
  3. The Supreme Court rules on Brown v. Board of Education, stating that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional
  4. Ellis Island in New York closes as a point of Immigration
  5. President Eisenhower signs into law the new social security bill funded by employers and employees
  6. US "Operation Wetback" is started on 17th July to send back to Mexico almost 4 million illegal immigrants
  7. Hydrogen bomb test conducted on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
  8. The words "under God" are added to the United States Pledge of Allegiance
  9. First sub 4 minute mile run on May 6th by Roger Bannister
  10. Swanson introduces TV Dinners
I'm not sure I'd put the TV Dinners into the same category as the hydrogen bomb, but there you have it. It's a bit of a hoot, but it's far from comprehensive. What else happened in the year of my birth? 

Cost of Living 1954 - How Much things cost

  •  Yearly Inflation Rate USA 0.32%
  • Yearly Inflation Rate UK 1.9%
  • Average Cost of new house $10.250.00
  • Average wages per year - $4,100.00


  • Average Cost of a new car - $1,700.00
  • Average Cost of Rent $85.00 per month
  • Movie Ticket - 70 cents
  • Life Magazine - 20 cents


  • The Dow Jones recovers back to pre Wall Street Crash highs of 381.17
  • Cost of a gallon of Gas 21 cents
  • Average House Price UK - 1,970 -


It looks like things were so much more affordable back then, but were they really? No, inflation has taken care of all of that. As salaries increased, the cost of goods also increased, and the ability of the "common man" to purchase his daily requirements and some luxury goods stayed, barely, within reach. The middle class struggled, and they still struggle. The poor were poor, and they still are poor. The dollar amounts are so much larger now, because the dollar is worth much less. 

My parents had to scrimp and save, like any other newer couple with a young child. They grew accustomed to the realities of parenthood - the kid sees and wants everything, and the parent simply can't afford it - so they both do the best they can with what they have. When my parents got me my first adult-sized bicycle, I was thrilled. It was a hand-me-down from my Mom's cousin, my Tante Gerty. Her daughter, my cousin Miki, had used it, but Miki was older than I by eight years or so, and she had grown out of the clunking old bike. I, however, was thrilled to have a big bike of my own, and rode that bike until I entered Middle School. I upgraded to a 10-speed when I went to college - I still have that first 10-speed, although I upgraded that one after my first year as a Graduate student. 

I've seen a lot in my 70 years. I've seen causes picked up and then put back into the closets. I've seen elections come and go - good people and horrid people elected, but the USA still stands, both in spite and despite the election results. I've seen changes in world politics, and increased suspicion between people as nations, neighborhoods, and individuals clash. I know humanity can survive, but will the governments under which they live? I'm not so sure about that. As we've moved through the ages, we've never strayed from our aggressive impulses, our territorial tendencies and our habit of striking out first and apologizing later. When you have weapons of mass destruction, that "later" may not come and we might not rebound this time. I remind myself that dinosaurs lived as a biological success for millions of years. Mankind is very young. If nature feels the need, we'll be toast and She'll be trying something else - hopefully a bit more successful. Maybe more dinosaurs. They certainly were kinder on the environment than mammals have proven to be. 

So, celebrate my birthday with me and think back on your own life. Have you had a positive impact? Have you had a negative one? Have you had ANY impact at all on those around you? Maybe it's time to change that. Have an excellent day and weekend, enjoy a piece of cake for me, and I'll be back on Monday. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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