Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Maybe Today? The Saga of the Outdoor Pool - LOL

Best laid plans, etc, etc, sometimes just don't happen. Apparently the outdoor pool was open on Saturday and Sunday, but come Monday, the chemicals were out of whack, and until that got resolved, Beth couldn't open the outdoor pool. Everyone coming to swim outdoors ended up indoors, and that led to a VERY crowded indoor pool. On Tuesday, when I arrived, the outdoor pool was still not able to be open, but the people from other pools had learned. When they heard the outdoor pool was still not open, they turned around, got back into their cars, and headed to other locations. 

Our beaver, who was only seen on the one day, 
probably has found a much better lake or pond where 
he could settle comfortably without all of the crazy 
people who want to swim at 5:00 am disturbing 
him. Still, it was nice to have him as a member 
of the YMCA, if only for a day - LOL. 

That actually led to a very nice and rather empty indoor pool, where I had a delightful, uncrowded swim. I suspect the chemical issues have been resolved by now, however, and that the outdoor pool will once again be open and we will be crowded. Yes - we get crowded at 5:00 am in the morning! That outdoor pool is a magnet for swimmers and will call them to swim throughout the remainder of the summer months. I'll get used to being crowded - I might share with Rosemary often in the first lane. We've shared a lane on and off for more than a decade, I think we can handle it. 

The outdoor pool at my YMCA is Olympic length and 
seven lanes wide. Indoors only has five lanes and is 
MUCH shorter. You can see the dark building in the back 
right. That block is where the indoor pool is. I'm at the 
far eastern end of the outdoor pool for this photo. 

On Monday, we had gotten a deep rain and noticed that our gutters were overflowing. *sigh* Time for DH to get onto a ladder and clean them out. So he did that yesterday, although he was afraid he might frighten or be attacked by Mama Robin and her little ones. Fortunately, there were no attacks and everyone seems to have survived the experience. I'll check on them later today through the window and see how they're doing. The chicks are getting big, and really crowding their little nest - LOL. 

This is what my baby Robins looked like a week ago. 
They're MUCH larger now, and they're crowding 
their little nest quite a bit. I'm not sure when they'll 
start to fly away, but I suspect it won't be much 
longer before they get brave. 

So I've got my first load of laundry in the washer, I have my swimming stuff packed and ready to go, and I'm set for the day. Have an excellent Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow. I think I'll cook up a batch of vegetable soup for my next week's dinners. Yummers! LOL Slava Ukraini. 

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