Saturday, May 25, 2024

Garden and Fence Photos - and Baby Birds!

Yesterday was a busy day off, but between everything, I found the time to do some photos to share with all of you. It's Saturday today, and I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend (although without a fence, our privacy is nonexistent). We're supposed to be getting some showers too, which my plants will appreciate. DH picked up some new bean seeds - our pole beans just haven't sprouted at all, and they should have by this time. So ... he picked up a new pack of seeds. However ... when he got home and actually read the package, he realized they were bush beans, not pole beans. Nontheless, that's what we'll plant in that section of the garden. We're running out of time for an autumn harvest if we don't get something into the ground. 

You can easily see their little beaks facing the house 
clapboard. They're absolutely adorable, and Momma is 
doing a great job keeping them safe. 

So ... photos. Let's start with something really cute. The photo above is two baby robins on the nest that mama bird built on top of our front door exterior light. I love that the eggs were kept safe enough to hatch these little guys. Mom's busy trolling through our front yard grass, bringing up luscious worms and bugs for the two to eat. They're ever hungry, but VERY well trained. If there's anything moving in their vicinity, they freeze - utterly motionless and soundless. These two might very well live long enough to become fledglings. 

Here are the new fence posts in the upper yard, That's 
Laura's house at the back, and if you can see the dark 
fence at the far right, that's the fence of Chris and Colleen. 
You're only seeing a small portion of the 15 posts in 
this photo. 

Here's a look from the far West end down towards 
the East. You can get a feel for the slope it goes 
down as it heads that direction through our garden 
area. The lighter bit at the upper left is the curving 
stone of the semi-circled garden at the far left 
in the first photo. 

Now - on to the fence. Here are two photos of fence poles. As you can tell, any privacy we had is now completely erased until the new panels are installed. We're sending off the payment to the fence company today, so hopefully will be penciled into their schedule soon so that we can have our yard back ASAP. There are a total of 15 posts installed, that will hold 12 panels and a gate. Laura and Fakhri's house has lost their privacy from us at the same time. It's a good thing I enjoy having them as neighbors. 

Here's my beautiful purple columbine. I'm totally in love 
with this flower - I talk to it every day. Columbines in 
general bring back very happy memories of my youth. 

Here are my pink Columbines. For some reason, 
they droop down, I have no idea why. They're 
still beautiful, but they're just being stubborn! LOL

A little bit away from the pink Columbines, are my red 
ones. these are happy and perky and lovely. The Columbine 
(the purple/blue one) is the state flower of Colorado, 
so I guess I had a lot of interaction with it as I was growing 
up in the Mile High City. 

Finally, here are a few photos of some of the many flowers DH has planted for me. So pretty! He made sure to get some purple Columbine flowers for me because I miss the ones I saw growing wild at the heights of the Colorado Rocky Mountains of my youth. I didn't think the purple variety grew at lower altitudes, but DH said they did, and he proved it by planting this one. It's wonderful. The other two - the pink and the red - are also lovely, but that purple one has my heart. 

Our bleeding heart is going a bit crazy this year. Maybe it's making up for other plants that are disappointing DH for one reason or another. We haven't had a hot year yet, but it's still May - the true heat is yet to come. My tomato and pepper plants are doing VERY well, and the raspberries (DH thinned the patch - VERY needed) seem to be filling in nicely. It should be an excellent harvest later this year. Once the fence is back up, we can truly enjoy our back yard once again. Have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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