Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Robin's Nest, a Time Crunch and an Old Friend

I actually slept until my alarm went off at 3:00 am. That's both good and bad. I needed the sleep, obviously, but I'm also under a time deadline which will make for a short post today. Oh well, I needed the sleep - LOL. And really, you, my dear friends and readers, don't need a novel every day. 

Although my blogs in the aggregate are more like a 
novel, I do try to keep the length down to a very 
short story every day. Today is a short story once 
again - LOL. 

It's Wednesday, my first load of laundry is already in the washing machine, I've done my morning meditation, I'm dressed for the swimming pool, and I have 15 minutes to get this blog up before leaving the house and putting the garbage and recycling bins at the curb. Yeah! I suspect today will be a very busy day. 

I totally rely on my waterproof headphones while I'm 
swimming. I'd much rather lose myself in a book, than 
think about laps, cadence, and pushing my limits. I find 
that I don't clock watch when I'm listening to a novel. 

I'm grateful that I remembered to load my next book onto my waterproof headphones last night. Although I can swim with nothing, it's not my preference. I don't consciously count my laps - after these many swims, it's rather subconscious. I do find that my swims go faster when I'm listening to an audio book, however, so loading the next one when I've finished one of a series, is important for me. When I look at my desk full of things that have to get accomplished today, and think about my errands ahead, I don't want to be thinking about those things while swimming. I can lose myself in a book instead, and follow the trials and tribulations of the characters instead of my own life - LOL. 

I don't think I've ever had a successful brood from a robin 
building their nest on our front door exterior light. We always 
find those beautiful turquoise eggs smashed on the sidewalk, 
because the squirrels always manage to get to the nesting 
location. Maybe this year will be different ... but probably 
not. It's a poor place to build a nest, although quite 
convenient for the parents. 

A robin has built her nest on top of the light fixture by our front door. That's both good and bad. We often will have a bird claim that platform, and we love seeing the birds there. But, it's also squirrel fodder - the squirrels get into whatever nest is there most years. Last year, when we had a flicker claim that spot, was the only year the squirrels were unsuccessful. Those flickers with their sharp beaks, kept the next safe and the brood grew up and flew away. But, robins ... not so much. I expect I'll be seeing their lovely turquoise shells broken on my sidewalk within a few short weeks. 

There's nothing much better than catching up with an old 
friend on our weekly conversation. Aearwen and I have 
been chatting weekly for years now, and I always look 
forward to it. We never seem to run out of things to talk 
about, and always are surprised when our hour is up. 

So, I'm going to wrap this up and head to the pool. It's going to be a very busy day today, and that's all to the good. Busy is a positive thing ... isn't it? And since it's Wednesday, I'll have the chance to catch up with Aearwen on our weekly chat this afternoon. Always a VERY good thing indeed. Have an excellent day and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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