Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Housecleaning - Getting Ready for Migration and the Change of Seasons

It's my "day off" today, and I have five of them left before Sharon arrives for the State Fair and Renaissance Festival. That's not very many days to pound my house into shape, but she's seen it at its' worst over the years, as well as at its' best. I suspect this year will be middle-of-the-road. I have done the vacuuming, and cleaned my dragon shelving, and her room is ready for me to set up the bed. I will be concentrating on straightening up some of the other rooms today, and maybe digging into the computer room to get things a bit less "piled" in there. 

The shower, always a major cleaning job, is actually looking 
great now. I've been cleaning it on the days I'm showering 
at home, and it's in great shape. That's a good thing, because 
it can be a horrendous job to get clean if I'm not ahead of 
the game. 

But it's still an errand day - groceries are important. I'll need to do Whole Foods as well as my local grocer today, so two of the three places I shop. I don't get much at Whole Foods, but they're the only place that carries the bread products that I love. It's hard to find tasty non-grain breads and I'm not fond of eating cardboard. 

My hummingbirds will start migrating south in 
September, with a few hanging on through October. 
I'll make sure to keep food available for them until 
the end of October, then put the feeder aside for the 
Winter and begin feeding again in March. 

Yesterday evening I quickly fed my hummingbirds before making my own dinner. I'm rather astonished by how quickly I can make their food, clean the feeder, and get things back onto the hooks. When I started, several months ago, it was quite a procedure, but I've got it totally nailed now, and the hummers
seem to be happy with the nectar I make for them. I'll keep it up until the end of October, unless we get a serious snow before then. They'll start migrating south next month, but there are always some hangers on who stick around a bit too long. It rather sounds like DH and I and hanging on to the shop in some ways. 

Having a coffin that can be written and/or drawn on 
is new to me, but what a wonderful idea. Red will 
make sure to have a message on there from all of us 
who got to know Kei through her Tolkien fiction, so 
we're all going to be represented on there in some 

Keiliss will be buried on Tuesday. Red put information in her post yesterday on how we can send funds to the family to help them with expenses, and I'll be sending some their direction via PayPal today. Funerals are expensive. Apparently Kei requested that her coffin be of a style that will allow people to write and/or draw on it. What a lovely idea. Red said she'll make sure to write something of her own, and then a second writing for Kei's Tolkien peeps. So, we'll all be included, and that's making me tear up again. Damn. 

I've got goals for today. I'll have to see how far I 
get with them. I have five days off until Sharon 
arrives, and a lot still to do in the house. 

Have an excellent Wednesday. I have a million things to do today, but I'm glad I'll have a chance to get some of them accomplished. Goals, you know? They can be important. Slava Ukraini. 

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