Thursday, July 7, 2022

It Will Be a Hectic Two Days While Chickie Is On Vacation - Bird Updates Too

I'm not in a rush this morning, but that's only because I awakened at 2:30 am instead of at 3:15 am, so I'm running ahead of normal schedule. I even added another guided meditation to my meditations this morning, and I'm still ahead of myself. I'm quite sure that won't be the case for the remainder of the day. Chickie is taking two days of vacation time, and I'm working with DH for the next two days. We work OK together, but things don't run as smoothly and I don't automatically have someone on the sales floor who can run interference for me when I'm busy with one person and another comes into the store needing assistance. 

Today and tomorrow I'm absolutely sure 
I'll feel as if I'm being pulled in too many 
different directions. DH has the things that 
concern him, and he wants me to put his requests 
at the top of my pile. My pile, however, has
 a different structure with my own priorities 
taking top billing. 

DH is at the store with me while Chickie is gone, but he mostly spends his time either at his desk, or at mine, rarely interacting with the customers. I know it's because he can't hear well, but it's also because he doesn't deal well with the public in general. I request his help to pull products for customers, but when I need him to, I call him over to actually interact with them too. It's more a matter of necessity and duress on my part. It can lead to stressful days, almost nonexistent bathroom and lunch breaks, and sometimes tension between DH and myself. I'll be happy to leave that behind when I leave active work later this year. 

I'm not looking forward to two days of working 
with DH. He's not a very helpful partner at the 
shop - he prefers to deal with packaging, ordering, 
and the finances. I'm crap with the finances, I 
hate numbers. If I was at the financial helm, 
we would have been bankrupt long ago. 

I'll phone the orthodontist I'd like to consult with first later today. They had the office closed until the 7th for the July 4th holiday - quite a few days off for their staff (lucky staff!). I'll also remember to ask my dentists about him as well as any other recommendations he/she might have for a good orthodontist. I'm shivering at the cost, but if I don't do this, and do it soon, I'll be stuck with a lot of tooth extractions and some partial or full dentures, and I really don't want that in my future if I can avoid it. 

I took a careful look at the Least Flycatcher's 
nest yesterday afternoon. She kicked the fledgling 
out of the nest and left. At least I can finally 
use my front door again. I hope she returns again 
next year. she was a lot more fun than the 
ever-fighting Robins I usually get in that location. 

I got two Amazon packages at the shop yesterday and I'm hoping at least one of them is the case and the screen protector glass I ordered for DH's new tablet. I'm not letting him have his tablet until it is protected. He just has to deal - LOL. Next week is Amazon Prime Days. I'm not a Prime member but I've been using them more and more since Covid, so I'll at least take a look and keep my eyes open to see if there's anything that would justify my grabbing a 30-day trial. I doubt it, but you never know. 

Remember this photo? Yesterday, one of my hummingbirds 
came to my feeder and did exactly this - perched on the 
little stand and took several drinks. It sat there for at least 
two full minutes, enjoying the nectar. I had a second one, 
or a quick return of the first one a bit later, but this time 
the bird didn't perch, just flew in and out several times 
for quick sips. So much fun!!! 

So I'm out of here. Today is my last swimming day for this week, and I'm already looking forward to greeting the sun in the pool. OH, and remember yesterday's hummingbird picture? I actually had a hummer come by my feeder twice yesterday afternoon. The first time he perched on the rim just like in the photo, and stayed for at least two minutes taking drink after drink! It was so wonderful. I refilled the nectar late yesterday, so they're set for a few more days now. Have an excellent Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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