Monday, November 15, 2021

It's Cold Outside and Spring is a Long Way Distant

It's cold outside, but it'll get much colder before we see those 50's and 60's once again. I'm getting used to putting on my parka when I go outside again, and the backyard has been stripped of the grill, the umbrella and the chairs. We don't have room to store the table, so we'll have to cover that with black plastic for the season. We can't find our roll of black plastic, so we'll probably have to buy another one - not a tragedy, but a short delay. 

We have a roll of black plastic sheeting somewhere, but 
DH couldn't find it the other day, and I took a look on 
Friday, but couldn't locate it either (I didn't check 
the shed, but he said that he had). We might have to 
buy another roll to protect our patio table against 
the winter storms. 

DH and I spent a lovely and relaxed Sunday together, watching football and eating Chipotle for dinner. We enjoy Chipotle because we get two meals out of it, and because he can have all of his fixings, but I can basically have a base of lettuce with meat - perfect for me. I also worked on Stage 2 of my card inserts yesterday and got that wrapped up. I'll be continuing to work on Stage 3 before I unlock the shop this morning. I won't get quite as much done as I might want, but every little bit is a step forward. 

I picked up a new 3M Glue when 
I was at the office supply a few weeks 
ago. This is my favorite one - it has 
a good fine tip which I can control 
easily. It also dries quickly. My previous 
tube was just about used up, so it 
was time for a new one. It's been 
getting heavy use over the past 2 weeks. 

I received a stamp I had ordered in Saturday's mail. Perfect timing, since I need the items within it for the final panel of this year's cards. So far when I've needed something, I've always found it in my hands shortly before I required it. Good timing all around, since I'm running a bit late with this year's Solstice cards. 

I had mentioned Elizabeth Peters to 
Chickie when I started listening to the 
series again. She also loves the books, 
so started listening to her copies too.
They are such fun. We're both 
addicted to them, and the audio 
versions are very well done. 

I also loaded the next book in Elizabeth Peter's "Amelia Peabody" series onto my AfterShokz headphones yesterday afternoon. It's always a bit of a convoluted process. I wrote myself a set of step-by-step directions and that seems to work much better. It certainly is NOT intuitive since I'm going through a third-party program to translate the ebook into MP3 format, then from that third-party program into the headset. It's well worth it, though. I love the headset, it works beautifully in and out of the pool, and I'm able to listen to books while I swim, which is a happy thing for me. 

I have to actually refer to a step-by-step list 
to get my ebooks transferred to MP3 format, 
and then loaded onto my headphones. It's 
convoluted, but it can be done, and I'm 
enjoying listening to my Amelia Peabody 
series when I have time to turn on the 
headphones. I listen often, not just in the 
swimming pool. 

So have a wonderful Monday. I'll be quite busy, as you can tell. I'll be getting in touch with a few of you directly about holiday cards, since I haven't heard from you, and I'll do a final Call Out later this week or early next. In the meanwhile, have an absolutely wonderful Monday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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