Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Book Recommendation Because It's That Good!

Today's post is short and sweet because we all need something wonderful in our lives. I'm focusing today's post on a reading recommendation - something that I rarely do because people's tastes in books don't always follow my own. But I'm stepping out into that maze because this book is worth the "Read this book" shout-out.  

I couldn't pull myself away from this book. It's a
good thing we're not super busy at the shop these
days since I spent most of yesterday reading. 

TJ Klune is an author I've followed for more than a decade, actually probably closer to 15+ years. I fell in love with his book "Into This River I Drown", his first major success, and then followed him as he moved, got engaged, faced tragedy and death, but kept writing. Each book became better, each series was unique and different. 

Last summer, amid some controversy, he left his publisher and was signed by TOR/McMillan for a six-book package. The first of those books was released this week with a 100,000 copy initial run (!). It's stunning, a true delight from front to back. It's a story about finding a family and love in the most remarkable place. It features a unique cast of characters, all of which have distinctive voices and behaviors. It transcends the mundane. It deserves to be pumped and pushed. 

I normally only buy e-books these days, sometimes accompanied by the audio book for authors I love. I'll be buying the audio book AND the hardcover of this one because I want it in my library alongside his others. He's one of those rare authors - the ones I collect in all formats. 

So, give yourself permission to lose yourself in a unique and happy story. Pick up a copy of "The House in the Cerulean Sea" for yourself and urge your library to carry it. It's that good - pass the word. This one book and the love it shows towards all of the unique characters in the pages, is well worth a "shout out". 

As always, stay safe, stay well, and be careful out there. I'll be back on Monday. 

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