Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Just A Quick Catch-Up

It's not like me to be quiet, and to not post my usual six days a week, but I missed yesterday and today will be short. I've been feeling a bit under the weather and decided a bit of extra sleep was warranted. I'm doing much better today, I'll probably drop by Urgent Care today to pick up a prescription for some antibiotics, but I'm fine. I did skip the gym yesterday, so I'm one day off this week. I thought about going to work out today instead, but decided a bit of rest before I jump into a very busy day was probably a good idea. 

I hope all of you had a wonderful Mardi Gras and a good Ash Wednesday. 

So, there you have it. No worries, but a bit of extra sleep that apparently my body decided I needed. I'll more than likely be back on normal schedule tomorrow, so I'll catch all of you then. Have a wonderful Wednesday. 

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