Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A False Spring Hope Falls to Snow

The season, which had been giving us false signals of Spring, came back to Winter late yesterday just in time for our drive home from the shop, and so I awakened to snow on the ground. Knowing it was snowing as we returned home, DH gave me "permission" to leave "bunny tracks" in the driveway as I go to the gym this morning, and I'm going to do exactly that. There's a nice underpinning of slick on the roadways, so the plows have been out plowing and salting to make the roads safe for all (many of whom are returning to work today after a long President's Day weekend). Of course, I was at work yesterday, so no changes for me LOL. 

I used to look forward to February when I was young and
in school. We got the 12th and the 22nd off for the two
Presidential birthdays, and celebrated with food and
valentines on the 14th. That's all changed now - the
birthdays are merged into a Monday holiday, and
food in the classroom is often frowned upon or
even forbidden. Makes for poor memories for today's

I'm hitting the pool today, I got one pound of Valentine's Day celebration off me yesterday, but don't want to be on the running track two days in a row. I'm trying to add the pool to my workout routine at least two days a week (until I get my tattoo, when I'll have to stay out of the water for a couple of healing months). I have missed the water and the chats in the sauna afterward to warm up before my shower. I'm happiest when I can swim. 

I fully admit that I love the pool. I have to be a lot more careful now to avoid
straining my rotator cuff, but it's a delight to finally be back in the
water. I have my PT appointment tomorrow and I'm sure Joseph will
be pleased to hear that I'm back in the swimming pool. 

I spent my Sunday working on my Owl project which is coming along quite nicely. DH was glaring at me on Sunday morning as I took my board in hand. "I'm waiting until I see the owl appearing," he grumbled. I immediately set him straight and showed him how the piece will relate to the owls with the centerpiece. He was a bit shocked that I would use the piece, but shy not? I purchased it years ago to use in a beaded piece, and this was the right one for it. I know I'm not showing photos of in-process, but that's the way I work. I have been taking photos, and I will share eventually, but I like keeping works in progress under tighter wraps. 

I know I've mentioned that I adore owls, no old news there! 

I messed up at the cash register yesterday and ended up inadvertently charging a customer $9 for a $30 sale. *sigh* Damned gift cards. The printout that comes from my charge machine when a giftcard has inadequate funds for the full sale on it is very confusing. We've messed it up several times over the years. I really took a hard look at it and determined which total was actually charged, except I messed up. I guess I'm eating this one - bad me. You strive for perfection and swim in the mud instead. *sigh* 

There are places in the world where mud swimming is done, but
I don't think I like swimming in mud very much. I messed up,
though, and I have to live with it. 

On that note, I'm off to commune with water - both frozen on the ground and streets and unfrozen, heated and chlorinated in the pool. Have a wonderful Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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