Monday, January 13, 2020

Snow and Football Go Together

Today's post will be short and sweet (or not) and fast because we got a bit of snow overnight and I've already heard the plows going down my street. That means I need to shovel before leaving for the gym, and since I've got the WBL gym to visit this morning before my chiro appointment, I've got to shovel quickly before driving 20 minutes distant on iffy roads. It shouldn't be super bad, but I am tight on time. 

I'm not fond of shoveling snow. I don't mine the exercise, but it's more
time out of a crowded early morning schedule. Oh well, no choice

Yesterday was spent in a day of football and computer nirvana. Plans to get Chinese for dinner were scrapped, and we ate reheated frozen convenience meals instead. It was a laid-back easy-going day that we both desperately needed before diving back into crap like taxes today. Ick. Still, it has to be done. I'll fight with sales tax today, then start working on the W2 and W3 forms that have to be submitted on a very picky website by the end of the month. 

Death and taxes - the two items that are guaranteed in our
lives. Even when we lived in small clusters huddling together
against the elements and wild animals, someone still
collected for the "good" of the group. 

I'm quite pleased that Kansas City made it to the next stage in the playoffs. I'm not really a KC fan, but they won my division, so since the Broncos played horribly this year, I'll cheer on Mahomes and his KC Chiefs. The Tennessee Titans are moving on as well, and, unfortunately, so are the Green Bay Packers (I was cheering for Seattle in that game, but they weren't able to pull it off). So this coming Sunday we get the decisive games - Tennessee vs Kansas City and Green Bay vs San Francisco. One of those four will win the Super Bowl next month. As much as I might prefer Kansas City, I'm secretly hoping Tennessee can pull the game out. I'm also cheering San Francisco onward because ... you know - as a Vikings fan, I just can't support Green Bay. 

Tennessee is in the playoffs for the Divisional
Championship game going head-to-head
against Kansas City this Sunday. Who could
have predicted this one!?! 

So I'm wrapping this up, plugging in photos, and heading out to shovel. Have a truly wonderful day and may all of your dreams come true (or as least your dreams of a nice cup of coffee and five minutes of peace and quiet). I'll be back tomorrow. 

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