Thursday, January 23, 2020

Holiday Cards Wrap-up

Unfortunately, my computer desk is still a mess. But I did get a lot done yesterday for my "day off" and one of the things was pulling my holiday cards off the mantle and scanning some of them to share with all of you.

I'm starting out with my dear friend and former roommate's card. This is
Shruti's offering for the 2019 season. Every year she paints or illustrates
a card and composes a poem. She then has them printed into a card and
writes individual greetings and a beautifully addressed envelope for each
of them. She sends almost 500 cards and her cards are always in my
"keep" pile. Shruti lives in India. 

Many years ago I did beta editing work for
my friend Iris who lives in Germany. She has
sent me gifts in the past, and over the last
few years has sent some truly beautiful
cards. I'm always honored to get cards from
her and delighted that we're still friends. 

Per my usual, I made a total of 50 of my Holiday Cards, and sent 49 of them out to a variety of people I know either in real life or in cyber life. Some of the recipients have been friends for years, others were new friends, but I wanted to share a bit of holiday brightness with all of them. I never request or require a physical card in return, or an e-card for that matter. It always brings me joy when I get a physical or e-card though.

An on-line friend from the UK sent this stunning card. It's
Renaissance in feel and I adore the color palette. In prior years
she's sent quite a variety of cards but they're always a treat
to look at and enjoy. 

My "sister" on the Reservation in South Dakota sent this whimsical
card with a Native American Santa Claus in a sleigh pulled by
four buffalo getting ready to deliver gifts to the tipis below. Such
a lovely card and I just had to laugh when I saw it. 

I got 23 physical cards mailed to me this past Solstice/Holiday season and I was thrilled. They stretched completely across my mantle, brightening up the room. I couldn't scan all of them, but I scanned as many as I felt should be shared (I don't scan personal photos, family photos, or the 3-D cards because of privacy and the difficulty of scanning something 3-D).

We received this stunning card from an old college friend
of DH's. I adored the photograph of the small stand
of birch trees very much - just the different textures
coming through in the B/W photo were stunning. 

Here are a couple of cards featuring animals that
I received. The bottom one is a hand-made card and
simply lovely, the top is from a good long-time
friend in the United Kingdom. 

I decided to spend today showing you some of those holiday cards so that your day could be brightened as well. If you sent me a card and you're not seeing it here, I loved getting it and the thoughtfulness of your sending it. I simple couldn't share all of them - too many and too photo heavy for a blog post.

I got some lovely cards featuring birds that I thought I'd
group to share with all of you. Here are two I thought were
a lot of fun! 

Here are three more cards that featured birds and I loved
each and every one of them. The upper right card was
handmade, but they are all a delight. 

Here's a list of the wonderful people who sent cards to me this past Solstice/Holiday season. Thanks to each of you for contributing to the joy of my season. I also received quite a lot of e-cards and had a lot of fun watching each one of them and listening to the musical accompaniment. You've all been thanked individually when I received your e-card, so I'm not going to duplicate that here. You know who you are and I really loved/appreciated your contribution. 

Shruti Dev - Haryana, India
Tinnean - Florida USA
Tom & Mary Neiman - Georgia USA
cmcmck - Shropshire UK
Starlet & Pete Fills the Pipe - South Dakota, USA
Iris Schmidt - Augsberg, Germany
Linda Hoyland - Cheshire, UK
Jenybeth Durand - Minnesota USA
Curious Wombat - Isle of Man, UK
Pam Perry - California, USA
Shirebound - New Jersey, USA
Pam LaVasseur - Colorado USA
Alexcat - North Carolina USA
Cindy Durand - Minnesota USA
Joseph Jorissen - Minnesota USA
Maja Halloway - Washington USA
Susan Aguirre - Minnesota USA
Andrea Van Nest - Colorado USA
Claire Henn - Minnesota USA
Sharon Nastick - Colorado USA
Chris Nelson - Minnesota USA

And on that note, I have to get going. I just got notice that the plows are in service, so we must have gotten some snow. I have to get out there and shovel the driveway before I leave for the gym. Have a wonderful day, and don't forget it's a Project Runway night tonight. If all goes well, I'll have fashion on the Runway for you tomorrow. Have a GREAT day. 

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