Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Cold and Busy Day Off Is On My Schedule Today

I'm cold, but it's actually 16 F, so not bad for this time of the year. Still, I'm chilled right now. Nothing to be done about it short of grabbing the blanket I keep nearby, but since I'll be leaving soon, I'll just shiver for a bit longer.

. I'm starting my day off quickly. The first load of laundry is almost finished and ready to be put into the dryer. I have a PT appointment at 7 am, so I'll leave the house in 45 minutes or so, get the store computers turned on, and head over to the clinic. Afterward it'll be visits to the office supply store (an expensive trip since I need ink for both of my printers), the grocery store, and maybe Target. I'm hoping to get my errands out of the way early so that I can deal with business and computer and year-end stuff for the remainder of the day.

My customer wanted two strands of amber combined into
a single strand, and she wanted each bead knotted. Because
the holes in the beads are HUGE (it's very old hand-shaped
amber), I've had to use a thick cording for the threading.
It's been a challenge, but I'm almost finished with it. 

I have a repair I've been working on - an amber necklace restring. I'll probably bring that back home with me. I can finish it today and get it cleaned up. I'll need warm water for the clean, and I don't have hot water at the shop unless I boil some, so it would be easier to finish at home. Then I can continue with the next two repairs pending on my docket. All of the repairs are promised by the end of the month, and each one has its' own little twists - I tend to not get the straightforward repairs - LOL.

Why 10,000 steps? It was started in Japan as a marketing campaign
for a pedometer way back in 1965. There was a really nice article about
the 10,000 step goal. You can read it by following this link

A few more loads of laundry, and a nice late afternoon chat with Aearwen, and that'll wrap my day. Taking a quick look at the weather app, it looks like we're going to get snow showers this morning, so I'll be adding shoveling to my agenda. Without the gym today I won't come close to my 10,000 steps, no matter how many errands and tasks I have to do. I came pretty close yesterday (9855 when I went to bed last night), not too shabby. I rarely actually manage to hit the 10,000 level, but I'm always thrilled when I do. I'll be curious to see how Sharon and I do when we walk the State Fair later this year. I've always thought we get some serious steps in, but I've never tracked it before.

In February 2019, the Super Bowl was held here in the Twin Cities
at US Bank Stadium. A marketing campaign was started to teach
people how to dress for the cold if they were going to be outdoors for
any amount of time. This graphic was the center panel - milder temps
were on the left and serious wind-chill on the right. We're right in
that 0-20 degree range today, so I'll be dressing warmly, but not overly

On that note, I'm going to try and get a bit warmer before I leave and step foot into the great, cold, outdoors. Our temperatures are harsh, but I still love living up here in the Frozen Northlands. I have a warm coat, warm gloves, and a car with gas and good heat. It's all good! Stay warm, be safe, and I'll return tomorrow.

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