Monday, June 25, 2018

Fungi and the Old Wheelbarrow - Photos

Sunday was a more laid-back day. DH was recovering from moving his 10 tons of dirt from the front yard to the backyard project, and I was enjoying a day away from the shop. It didn't mean we didn't work, but it was a more relaxed level. After a leisurely breakfast, we moved to the backyard where we measured and put up sticks for a temporary look at where the pergola might go. 

Do you see the darker dirt starting at the tree? That's what
DH was hauling down on Thursday afternoon, and all
day Friday and Saturday. It extends the yard out at least another
four feet before dropping down toward the creek. 

The old wheelbarrow was toast. This side shows the
broken shortened handle and the rusting edge of
the bowl. 

From this side you can see that the wedge under the handle
on the right is completely missing. 

I asked DH if he wanted to take brush to the compost, but he wanted to work on leveling part of the yard and working dimensions out some other places. I didn't really need his assistance to take things to the compost, though, so I changed the configuration of Minion, put in the bed liner, and started loading wood and cut branches. I ended up taking two loads to the compost, one of mostly green stuff that had been clipped within the past 48 hours, and another of brush and cut wood that had been piled when various trees and branches had been cut and trimmed. This second batch was much heavier and no longer green, but I could snap or saw the longer branches to fit into the car back. 

The old stump has an array of different fungi
growing from it. It's fairly protected and rather
shady, and we've had a lot of humidity. The
fungi are quite happy. 

While walking up and down the bank to bring wood from the brush pile up to the car, I noticed a truly fabulous and wonderful fungi collection growing around the stump of a tree we took down a few years ago. I know some of you are really into fungi, so I took a couple of photos to share. The fungi is really quite beautiful, so it brightened my day a bit. 

I especially loved this cluster on the
eastern side of the stump, closest to the
house. The multiple colors of the
red/brown fungi sets off the various
grey-brown ruffles surrounding it. 

After my two loads to the compost and his grading efforts, we settled down to drinks on the patio, finally ending the day with a nice meal, an episode of "Midsommer Murders" and the first episode of Season 5 of "Endeavour". All in all, it was a delightful Sunday. 

One more photo of the wheelbarrow. Can't say we haven't
gotten our work out of this tool. I love the different
textures of the old handle, the rusted bolt and the
cracked surface of the actual metal bowl. Fabulous! 

Back into the maelstrom now, though. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your Monday will be a happy one. I'll be back tomorrow - at least that's the plan. Happy days to all! 

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