Monday, November 27, 2017

Justice League - Review of Characters - NO SPOILERS

Saturday's "Small Business Saturday" sale was disappointing - not really much more business than a standard day. A real drop over last year's numbers. I find myself wondering if sales are actually worth it, but we had a great response to our Black Friday sale, and we only do two sales a year - after Thanksgiving, and after Christmas. So, I guess I'll see how my after-Christmas sales go. 

Flash is just a kid - young, a bit brash, and intelligent, but
new to the superhero game. He was a breath of refreshing air. 

It was lovely to see "Justice League" in the cinema on Sunday morning, though. Although not as strong in levity as "Thor Ragnarok", it was very enjoyable and I loved Wonder Woman and Flash. Flash was actually a real surprise for me - I had never been that fond of the character in the actual DC Comics, but here, as portrayed in the movie, he was a character whose joy in the simple things really rang for me. 

Cyborg - this character was new to me, but I enjoyed
him a lot. There were several parts of the film where
success wouldn't have been possible without his
superpowers and abilities. 

Cyborg was an interesting addition to the League. Realistically, he was integral to the plot and the achievement of the goals of the superheros. Without Cyborg they would have been unsuccessful. But, in essence, that could have been said about each of the characters, so as a team they worked very well and each had their time in the spotlight. 

I love Wonder Woman - always have. She's played to
perfection in the movie and she rocks! 

Wonder Woman simply rocks! We loved her in her own movie earlier in the year, and she really found her footing in JL. Batman wasn't bad and wasn't good - just was. By now there have been so many playing that role, that another man wearing the cape and mask is just another one. "yawn" Alfred was fun, though, in the appearances he made. 

I've been a fan of Batman for most of my life, and
this particular actor was fine - not over the top and
not outstanding. Still, I've seen worse! 

Aquaman - I don't think he ever really got to show his talents here, although he's a great looking character with an interesting back story. I look forward to his own movie which will be released in the first quarter of 2018. He wasn't really doing anything in JL that pushed his super powers or origins, just a little bit here and there. Still, I'm intrigued by the character. 

Aquaman - I'm looking forward to his full-length
movie because I think there's an interesting story
here that just didn't come out in the JL movie. 

So did the JL succeed? Well, yes, because it is a movie that has an evil villain that must be defeated. I enjoyed it, the heroes were good and had flaws, and their villain was bad and wanted to destroy the world. I'm not going to tell you the ins, outs and secrets of the plot - they accomplished the goal and evil was once again destroyed. 

My favorite thing from the movie? The Lasso of Truth that Wonder Woman uses. That really rocked! So, on that note, let's start the week out right. I'm off to the pool to work off the last bit of turkey and stuffing, and then on to the shop to see what we can do for our next month. There are still a few days left in November, but I'd probably better start my holiday shopping too. Internet - here I come - LOL. 

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