Friday, September 29, 2017

Project Runway - Episode Synopsis - No Spoilers!

"You'l be working in teams," words that the designers just hate to hear. The ten designers left are assigned fabrics in pairs - every two designers have the same fabrics. The designers are then allowed to choose their partner, but they cannot choose the other person with the identical fabric. Sponsored by J.C. Penny which stipulated each team should design two cohesive outfits for autumn based on menswear designs, each team also received a $100 stipend for Mood to be used on trims, notions and "supplemental" fabric. Only one designer from each team was allowed to go to Mood.

Mood Designer Fabrics is on the 3rd floor of a New York
City walkup. It's stuffed with fabric choices, from leather
to lace. 

Since Kentaro won the last challenge, he had first choice for partner. He chose his 'brother', Brandon. The Terrible Twins chose each other (of course). Ayana and Michael made the third team, Amy and Kenya were the fourth team, and Batani and Margarita were the final twosome. There were some odd couples here, but I loved Ayana's comment that she didn't care about the twins being on the same team since they had been working together for the previous six challenges and hadn't been doing all that well. LOL.

Looking at the fabrics, they were typical fall weight cloth, at least one of them was a plain jersey. There was a variety though - gingham, velvet, cotton shirting were also in the fabric bolts that they had to work with. There was at least one gingham that I really liked, and the light speckled heather look on some of the jersey was also a nice look.

Mood Fabrics is all business. Reading through the reviews of the store, the
only reason some people were disappointed is because they wanted something
other than fabric. Really? I would equate a trip to Mood on a par with the
trip I took to Liberty in London, England many years ago. Totally yummy and
leaving me with the desire to say "I want it all!" 

Teammates did butt heads - Kenya and Amy were working at cross purposes: Shawn and Claire were snipping at each other; Margarita felt that she was working harder than Batani; and, Michael and Ayana pluged away at their designs, but the end pieces threatened to not be coherent. Brandon and Kentaro were nicknamed the "Dream Team" by Tin Gunn, a title that might be very hard to live up to. Everyone was growling at their partners while their designs were growing, shifting, getting torn apart and reconfigured, and then being growled at again.

By the time of the runway when the models came in for their garments, hair, and makeup sessions, we still only had glimpses of the finished outfits. I have to admit that at this point I was not really impressed. Still, it all comes clear on the runway. I felt that the judges were going to rip a few new ones into designs they felt were deficient.

The Terrible Twins, Shawn (l) and Claire (r) were sniping at each other and
having some real problems working together. 

Joining Zac Posen and Nina Garcia was Asia Kate Dillon from "Billions". (As usual, don't ask me what the show is, I've neither heard of it, watched it, nor heard of Ms Dillon before now. Popular culture - feh!) The models walked the runway and some twosomes looked cohesive, but others were only cohesive because the looks were sharing the runway. Sad!

I'll show the top and bottom looks tomorrow in a spoiler post, but the judges were absolutely scathing to the four low looks and their designers. The top looks didn't surprise me, they were by far the best looks on the runway. The top team would have one member be the winner of the challenge, the bottom team would have one person sent home. When put on the spot on who should win and, in the case of the low looks, who should go home, the designers were reluctant to throw their partner under the bus or to accept the accolades of a winning design. It seemed that the cracks are starting to show between the ten people left.

So, I'll leave this synopsis here - lots of reading but few photos. Come back tomorrow to read and see the winning and losing looks. In the meanwhile, have a wonderful Friday. I'm looking forward to a good swim followed by a nice breakfast, maybe some work for an hour on my holiday cards, and maybe even some playing on Lord of the Rings Online. Enjoy your day!

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