Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Progress Is Being Made

Next week, neither Chickie nor I will have a day off while the landscapers are working at the house. I'm hoping that our sacrifice will be worth it by the end of next week, but I'm putting a lot of trust in people I've only spoken to over the phone. DH has met with them about the job two times, but apparently he's never gotten into the nitty-gritty about how he wants the paving stones placed for the patio area. It's a crap shoot that could turn into a total mess, but I'm hoping for the best.

This is our shed as we ordered it last night. We're
getting the heavy duty floor too. (Someday DH may
want to own a little tractor and that floor will help
with wear and tear.) It's a nice shed, though, and
will look good in the back yard. 

We got the Tuff Shed ordered last night. It's nice, the promotions we were able to take advantage of helped with the bottom line, and if Home Depot can credit our charge card account the 5% they have in their own promo, we'll end up saving 15% on the total deal. Worth it! DH says our neighbors across the back fence don't have a Tuff Shed and the shed they have, which is less than two years old, has already needed several repairs. Tuff Shed is a good brand and we've been researching sheds for years. I think we'll be happier with our shed than they are with theirs.

Swimming in the outdoor pool can be magical. The floodlights
illuminate the pool, but the difference in temperatures cause
condensation to rise from the water. Yesterday it was magical,
looking across the lawn and parked cars to the misty pool
in the background as the dawn pinked the sky. 

It's been hot here again, probably some aftereffects of the horrid hurricanes that have been hitting Texas, Florida and up the southeast coast. It's wonderful to have a few more nice days to take advantage of the extra two weeks of outdoor pool, though. Yesterday, as I was leaving the Y to start my day, the sun was just pinking the skies and the fog was rolling off the pool, glowing golden in the floodlights. It was a bit magical, and I loved the colors, so I stopped and quickly snapped the photo above to share with all of you.

I'm going to enjoy this last "day off" for a while. I'm starting
the final tests for my holiday cards, so maybe I can spend
some time with those next week. I'm going to try to still
be a lesser presence on my Wednesday while giving
Chickie as much time in the back as possible on her
working Monday. 

Today is my last "day off" for the next two weeks and I'm going to take full advantage of it with trips to the bank and grocer and lots of loads of laundry. It's always much harder to get the laundry done during the week when I have to envelope it into nights and early mornings. I'm already not looking forward to next week's juggling act. But, enjoy your Wednesday! I'm going to try to enjoy mine.

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