Monday, August 28, 2017

Sheds and Archery - A Full Weekend

DH spent Saturday at the Fair solo. Although he ate a variety of foods, he was unimpressed with what he had tried. Then again, he was alone and he hates to be by himself. In his own way, he's a social creature, and mixing with thousands of strangers just doesn't do it for him. He did, however, have a chance to have some serious discussions with the Home Depot about the shed we're buying from them, and found out some ways we might be able to save enough to get a double-wide door instead of just a standard one. He was so exhausted from his day at the Fair that he was fast asleep when I got home and didn't wake up for another hour or more.

We're looking at something similar to this, but with roof vents
instead of windows on the sides. We want storage for things
like our wood chipper and pressure washer. They're already
into October dates for set-up, so we're actually on schedule,
but the weather starts to get iffy as we approach Halloween. 

On Sunday at Renaissance Festival, we spent the first 45 minutes or more walking through the Fest trying to find breakfast. It's not that there's no food. Food (and especially alcoholic beverage) stands are the primary type of shop - at least it certainly seems that way. Good food, on the other hand, well ... that's a much harder item to locate. I finally ended up with a lovely apple dumpling with iced cream for my breakfast. DH ended up with a helping of BBQ'd rib tips for his. Both of us were very happy with our choices, although the were located at the exact opposite ends of the grounds.

My dumpling wasn't quite this fancy, it's a Fest, after all. Throwaway plates
and utensils, and not quite a well browned. But it was still a very
nice breakfast since my favorite breakfast vendors are no longer selling. 

We shopped - didn't buy anything, but looked at new corsets for me and shirts for him. We wandered the grounds, and we purchased chocolate covered frozen cheesecake slices for a snack to eat while waiting for the annual "Long Bow (and Not Long Bow) Competition". In essence, there are two categories - long bow and recurve bow - and even though they shoot at the same time, they are scored differently with two overall winners, one from each type of bow.

The difference between the longbow and the
recurve is the ends of the bow. Which is better?
Can't say for sure, although most of the time when
I've been watching competition, the longbow has
won the day. My bows are all longbows. (No, I don't
participate in the competition. No time to practice
in my life right now.) 

Although they had 40 archers on Saturday, they only had 32 archers on Sunday. They start at the 20-yard mark and move back in 5-yard increments. Each archer is allotted three arrows and at least one of those arrows must hit the target to progress to the next round. Everyone is pretty good for the first few, but by the time the 40-yard mark is attained, they are starting to drop out.

As usual, we also had several practitioners of the Japanese Longbow in the
competition. The power they get from their bows is extraordinary, and their
draw is beautiful to watch. The older gentleman draws an 80-pound
draw, a female accompanying him draws a 40-pound. (We asked - we
were curious.) They had a demo scheduled for 4:00 pm, but we were already
on our way home by then. 

We had several excellent female archers this time out, one of whom ended up winning second place overall in the longbow section. The winner of the longbow portion, an older Scotsman who has won in the past, ended up going head-to-head with an older man who won the recurve section for distance. He just edged the recurve winner out at the 60 yard line. It was great fun.

I love McDonald's kids meal. It's the perfect amount of food. Is it
really nutritious? Hell no. But it's the right amount of calories
for me, with just the perfect quantities of naughty things like
french fries and a burger. I don't indulge often. 

We wandered for a bit longer and then called it a day, opting for McDonald's for dinner later on. I admit, I love their kid's meals. It's the perfect portion of fries, a lovely cheeseburger and apple slices (or an orange in season), along with a milk. I add a Fillet of Fish sandwich to that for the perfect dinner. DH has fallen in love with their grilled chicken artisan sandwiches, so he always opts for one of those along with his Big Mac burger meal. All in all, it was a lovely day. This coming weekend we'll have Sharon along for the ride. WHOOT!!!

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