- it's above zero for one. Well, to be accurate, it's 1 F with a windchill of -8 F, so a heatwave - LOL.
- It's a Saturday - we close the shop an hour earlier on Saturdays.
- I'm back to a normal schedule, so no working on Sunday - I might have time to do some more housecleaning instead which would make me very happy.
It's too bad Perkins doesn't do a good breakfast burrito. I'm really in the mood for some Tex-Mex food. One thing I miss about living in the Southwest is the food. |
My sympathies to those living in the Southern US - you're getting hit with a snow and ice storm with freezing rain, cold temps, and weather you see so rarely that you'll be unaccustomed as to how to deal with it. Hunker down, people. It will pass and if you're not on the icy roads, you'll be safe.
A lot of my friends are moving their journals to Dreamwidth from Live Journal. This is because the servers for LJ have been moved to Russia and people are concerned about their security, copyrights for their writings, and probably other issues like control of images. I admit, I'm a little worried. We've had scares similar to this before, but the servers hadn't actually been moved before now. This time things seem more amped up. I'm still using both websites, and I'm really comfortable with LJ so I'm not moving right now, but if you want to join my Circle on DW, message me and I'll give you my ID over there so that you can join my circle.
Damned world politics and Russian imperialism - GRRRRRRR.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back on Monday.
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