Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Moana" - A Total Win

First of all - "Moana"! This was a really FUN movie. The theatre was completely sold out - well, maybe three or four singles in the back corners were unoccupied - it was crowded. More than 50% of the audience was kids under 12. Once the movie started, with the exception of one infant, not a peep was heard. Laughs were aplenty (love that darned chicken), and thrills followed also. It was well paced, the songs were good, the main and supplementary characters were excellent. All in all, I give this one a strong approval. Stay for the interminable credits, the very last scene is worth the wait.

HeiHei, the chicken, is a wonderful character. Without saying
a word, he can capture the laughs. He's one of the strong supporting
cast in "Moana". 

Chickie left for a second movie on a different screen while I returned home to get some sleep. I'll be dragging for the next few days, recovering from a "late" night, but it was well worth it. I would see "Moana" again. I'm putting it at the same level as "Brave" - entertaining with a strong female lead and good writing.

Monster came yesterday to take down four trees and do a serious trim
on a large overhanging branch. They'll be back in a few weeks to
shred one large stump. They were fast, efficient, and DH was quite
impressed with them. They were also very reasonably priced. 

The tree trimmers didn't arrive until almost noon and I was really afraid that they wouldn't be finished in time. But they were done and out before 4:00 pm. DH said they really messed up the front yard getting their skid loader and the pieces of trees and brush out of the back, but we had been planning to do some work in the front and this will just push that a bit farther into the "mandatory" column. I haven't had a chance to see anything in daylight yet, so I'll take a look today and maybe share some photos tomorrow.

I hereby declare my holiday card list is now complete. I'm really
happy with the end results. There were a few unexpected
deletions, and some additions that made me quite happy.
Now to just get the darned things finished and into the mail ... 

My holiday card list is complete and I'm cutting it off. Marta and cmcmck will be my final two additions and that brings me to my total with a small breathing space for error. I'll be working quite intensively on these over the afternoon and evening today. It's the end of November and I want to get these completed within my mandatory time frame. DH is tired of hearing about them, so time to finish up. Of course, it's never quite that simple, but this can (and will) happen.

Remember the green water for the diving pool at the Rio Olympics? Water
with algae isn't fun or healthy to swim in. My YMCA had the pool closed
until the chemical imbalance was corrected. It wasn't quite this green,
but that's something to be grateful for. 

Apparently the machine that delivers chemicals to the pool broke down over the weekend, causing Rachel to close the pool to swimmers until new chemicals could be added. The pool was only closed until about 6:15 am on Monday, but since that's when I'm usually almost ready to leave after my swim, that was WAY too late. Yesterday the water was a bit cloudy, but that was fine. It'll be even better today. Many of our usual Monday swimmers came yesterday instead, so it was a bit odd seeing the mix of Monday and Tuesday swimmers. I was able to get in my swim which made me very happy. I'm looking forward to today's "day off". Lots to do on my agenda and a nice chat with Aearwen to top off my afternoon. Have a wonderful Wednesday and give a special hug to your pets today. They deserve a little extra love for the joy they bring to us.

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