One short week ago the nation was reeling with disbelief as the election results became final and we had a new President Elect. The fact that we're still off-balance with this, that we're still talking about the election over our morning coffee or when catching people in the gym lockerroom shows how deeply concerned we are with the direction the USA might go. We're living in frightening times and need to center. To do that, I look to beauty. I went hunting for beautiful photos last night that I could share with you. Let them sooth you a bit as we enter week two of a very long four years.
Here is a breathtaking winter shot from New Zealand. I love the hoarfrost on the trees and the time-lapse softening the waterfall. |
This tree reflected in the still pond at sunrise (or maybe it's sunset) just soothed my heart. I would love to make something like this out of copper and bronze. Maybe in the future. |
This waterfall framed by trees is ascribed to Columbia. I can't say for sure since the captions were not in English, but wherever it is, it is incredible and I had to share it with all of you. |
Here is a photo from a place where I have been. I consider it one of the most beautiful places I've visited for a day in my life. This is in the Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon. I adored that garden and spent hours roaming the little hidden corners. It's a serene experience and soothes the heart. |
I think I would very much love to visit this place, the Rakotz Bridge in Kromlau, Germany. What an exceptional photo, with the bridge perfectly reflected in the still water and the autumn leaves. I suspect it would be magical no matter the season or the weather, though. |
As a final offering, the ocean at Sunset in Davenport, California. It looks so serene and peaceful, yet I know the waves are in constant motion and there is an undercurrent of sound pulling the viewer into the scene. |
So there you have it, some beauty to anchor your day and start it off on a good note. Have a wonderful Wednesday and have faith. The earth is greater than a single person. She will survive and pockets of beauty will still exist, no matter what.
On a quick aside, my friend Peter Ray James, Navajo, and his nephew Teo arrived to join the demonstrators at Standing Rock late Monday afternoon. He's been posting a lot of photos on his Facebook page so I at least can be there with the tribes in spirit, if not in person. Walk in beauty, my friend.
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