Monday, August 1, 2016

OMG It's Already August!

Time is rushing away from me so quickly. It's already August, I have Sharon coming to visit in four weeks, and I have boxes of books that have to be culled, sold and re-shelved before she arrives. Looking at my calendar, I have two Sundays left before Renaissance Fest gets underway. That's difficult - really difficult, because that will be the end of my non-scheduled Sundays! I'm kicking into high gear.

It's hard to get rid of books. Books are the friends I
always welcomed and many of the books in my
boxes are dear friends from decades of literary love. 

I downloaded my book catalog into my computer yesterday and started to revise the Author and Title fields so that I can print a quick inventory that DH and I can go through. This will tell me which books we want to keep and which ones we will sell or recycle. I got through almost 1700 of them last night and will do the remaining 800 or so tonight. I can't sit around on this - the clock's a'ticking.

Although I have a month of summer remaining, August is always a bit sad for me. We're on the downward slide of summer now and soon I'll be looking back from crisp fall days and really missing the heat and the various joys of summer. I'm going to be taking full advantage of the remaining month, however, and I'll be swimming most of the days. While both pools are open, it spreads our swimmers out and there is less crowding. Also, many people are on vacation and not at the gym before they go to work (our teachers, mostly, comprise this group).

I am trying to slow down time. The fact that it isn't working at all
has nothing to do with my desire to achieve this goal. 

Fall is one of my favorite seasons, but it can take its time coming this year. I have too much to do before the month comes to an end. Here's hoping all of you get a chance to enjoy this final month of summer (or, for my friends in the Southern Hemisphere, the final month of winter). I'm wrapping this up, finding photos, and leaving for the pool. Happy Monday!

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