Saturday, August 20, 2016

Envisioning Steps

Steps exist in life and in construction. In life they can be obvious choices ahead - taking one job over another, deciding to go to college or not, or joining your life to another person's instead of choosing to wait for the "perfect" companion. In construction it can have a different aspect. Steps allow easier access from one elevation to another. Steps have to be level and within a certain height range. If they are not, people using the steps will trip, fall, even possibly injure themselves.

The red paver on the left side will be the patio level, the step it fronts
is the height the full width steps will be - 6 inches high. The right side,
north side, is almost complete. The rounded sections have been filled
in. I think DH mentioned something about sod, but I don't think that
will happen until Spring. 

We don't have a transit or other advanced leveling tool, so DH is using string, line levels, and rulers to make sure the steps from the lower yard to the upper yard will be appropriate in height, depth and level across the width. The steps will run between the north and south castle walls, will help direct water overflow across the patio toward the creek beyond, and should be beautiful as well as functional. Yesterday was a wall building and steps scoping day for DH, between light rains.

The block on top of the dirt ledge at the back of the photo is where
the final step will be put. That will bring us to an easy gradient
for the upper yard. There will be two more steps between the
red brick and that back step, for a total of four steps up the bank. 

We'll be at the Renaissance Faire on Sunday to celebrate opening weekend. I was willing to skip it until Labor Day weekend this year to allow DH more time for construction, but he said he really wanted two days off from hauling stone, so we'll head out and enjoy a lovely late summer day with other Festies. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend as we join the world in celebrating the end of the 2016 Summer Olympics. It's been wonderful to watch the many events and athletes. I'll be watching whatever I can during the day today. Yesterday I watched jumping horses, men diving off the 10M platform, and Rhythmic Gymnastics - all wonderful and entertaining. Diving finals are today along with many other events. Tomorrow will be the men's marathon and the closing ceremonies.

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