Saturday, December 19, 2015

SO Busy!

I wish I could say I'm busy because we're doing a booming business at the shop, but we're busy because DH is trying to clean and organize our house. We realized that if we're going to be able to retire, we need to make our space open so that we can both do the activities we want to do without stepping on each other's toes. Of course, space is limited and our interests are vast, thus ... a problem.

We're going to have tight quarters, but if everything is organized, I'll
be able to continue working on my projects and so will DH. 

Yesterday was so crowded with things that by the time bedtime finally came around, my laundry was still too damp to pull from the dryer. So, as I sit here at 5:00 am getting ready to go to the gym, the load is drying more and I have to get up and fold laundry quickly before I leave. Thus - this really truncated post.

I'm throwing confetti because my cards have started arriving
at their destinations. Happy me!!!!

I have had posts from several of you about receiving my holiday cards for this year. I'm absolutely delighted that they have made their travels through the mail with success. Enjoy your card and small gifts and have a wonderful weekend as we enter into the week of Solstice.

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