Monday, May 18, 2015

Sunday Was a Lot of Work

Yesterday was spent with the beginning of serious cleaning in preparation for the flooring/carpeting event in less than a month. Hours were spent pulling old equipment out, putting things into my car to take to the Tech Dump later this morning, and shredding paperwork - some of which goes back far longer than I should ever have let it sit around. Then again, I didn't have good shredders back then and have burned through several more industrial ones since that time. I'm seeing corners I forgot existed. Hallelujah!

I empty my shredded paper into paper bags and they become part of my
recycling. This week my recycling bin is filled full, mostly with
paper. It's nice to have a full bin for a change, although I always have
something to recycle on my pickup days. 

Although I wasn't that careful about what I ate, I still ended the weekend in good shape. Last week was a week where my weight maintained, but considering I swam for five of my six days, it's understandable. I don't lose weight as much as stretch my muscles when I swim. It takes my miles on the bike and work on the treadmill and elliptical to really pull the pounds off.

The YMCA Milwaukee Downtown is located three blocks from
my hotel on the fourth floor of a building. Apparently there is a
community center nearby also that has a lap pool. I'll have to look
into that too. 

It's looking like I'll go to Bead & Button Show not quite as low in weight as I had been two years ago, but less than last year. So that's good. And I have serious plans to use the YMCA just a few blocks from my hotel while I'm there. The nice thing about using the Y is they often interchange and allow members from one area to use the facilities of another at no charge. I should be able to get a week's pass from the Downtown Milwaukee Y without a problem and they open at 5:00 am, just like my usual Y. I'm looking forward to seeing a new setup. There's no pool, so I'll be doing machines for the week I'm there instead of swimming.

Most electronics are accepted at Tech Dump for
no fee. My two tower computers will have a small
amount that I will have to pay. It's worth it. I also
want my hard drives spiked, so that will be a
bit extra as well. 

While I was cleaning, DH was busy on his computer. Not ONE finger was lifted to help me move furniture, go through papers, or anything else. Even though a good portion of what's in the kitchen is his. Time to 'whack him upside the head' and wake him up. He has a lot that he has to do too, and I can't go through his paperwork for him.

DH did go out for a bit int he afternoon and transplant some of our
ferns to different locations. Our back yard is being overtaken by ferns, and
we want some of them in the front instead. He caught it between rain
showers, but still, he didn't help in the kitchen at all. *sigh*

So that's it for today. A really boring post, I'm afraid, but at least I had a good feeling of accomplishment by the time I ended the day. Happy Monday, everyone!

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