Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sleep is a Myth and Ken Burns

I love Ken Burns documentaries. I love the way he tells a story and pulls the viewer into it both historically and through the story lines. That said, I'm operating on five hours of sleep this morning because the second part of his "Cancer" documentary was on last night. Little sleep, machines at the gym today, and a 6:30 pm appointment with my accountant for our personal income tax preparation. Could I envision a less perfect day? OY!

The docudrama was based on this book. I might
have to buy an e-copy of it. 

My dermatologist was very happy with me. My various skin issues are under control with judicious and sparing use of steroidal creams and liquids, and I always wear a hat and long sleeves when I'm going to be out in the sun for any length of time. All of my moles passed muster, so I'm good to go for another few years until I need another refill of my prescriptions. She said I'm the poster child for taking care of my type of skin, so I was pleased :-)

I'll probably also look into getting a digital stream of this. I completely
missed the first of the three days and parts of the second day. 

This post is short and sweet once more because I'm just trying to catch up on my emails and get to the gym on time. I hope your Thursday is a spectacular one and that you got more sleep than I did - LOL.

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