Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thanks and Revised Goals Because Life Sometimes Requires Reassessment

Thanks to all of you who emailed and commented on yesterday's post. DH was happy to have the procedure over and done with and he should be hearing from his doctor no later than Monday. On first look, however, nothing unusual was evident, so that's good news. One really good thing is DH's blood pressure. It seems that the doctor finally got the right dosage on his pills and even with the stress of the biopsy, his blood pressure has been in a safe range. He still checks it at least once a day and takes his meds if needed, but we may finally have conquered that mountain.

Our clinic is housed in an old railroad building. It operated as an upscale
shopping area for years before they took over the lease, gutted and redid the
interior, and moved in. It's really a gorgeous and open building with lots
of room for the various exam rooms and testing areas. 

I had every intention of getting a cabin for April's NaNoWriMo, but looking at where things are at with my personal schedule and what I need to accomplish this next month, I think that adding one more thing would be overkill and potential disaster. As much as I wanted to do Camp NaNo in April, I'm pushing camp off until the summer session when I hope many of the things I have on my platter will be resolved and in my history instead of impending. Sorry for those of you looking to join my cabin, but I think July will be a better shot for me.

The long side of the Bandana Square building features these huge bay doors
into which the trains used to pull for servicing. The building is a unique
piece of architecture originally built in 1890 and is on the National
Register of Historic Places. It is more than up to the task of housing a major
health center as well as other supporting businesses. I've always loved the place. It also
houses the Model Railroad Museum. 

One of the positive things about going with DH to the clinic yesterday was getting an appointment to see my dermatologist. I need a refill on my prescription and usually it's an unbelievable hassle to get in to see her. To my complete shock, I was able to get an appointment next Wednesday morning! In my years of going to the clinic to see her, I've never had less than a six-week wait time. To get in within a week was jaw-dropping. Yeah me! LOL.

The clinic features lots of open beams, maple wood throughout with a
light-filled space, and is connected via skyway to a Best Western
hotel for extended treatments or accompanying family members. Across the
street are tech companies, a school, office buildings and a condominium
complex. I loved this building from the start and I'm happy to see
it so well used now. 

So as I wrap this up for pics, I thank each of you for your support and kind words once again. My own stress levels were lowered because of your kindness. Happy Thursday everyone!

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