Saturday, January 24, 2015

One More Day in the Salt Mines

I work on Saturday, but have my Sunday off and I'm already looking forward to it. I've had this crappy creeping crud cold for ten days now and it's gotten really old. Can I say BORING? I didn't make it to the gym all week because I can't stop coughing. As much as I want to get back to the gym next week, I don't dare until I'm actually over this. I've been spending my time apart from DH since he has the same crud and I don't want to get more sick. That's kept me up-to-date on computer things at night and allowed me to add to sleep time in the morning. All good. But I really need to get back to a normal schedule again.

I do find comfort in following a schedule. 

I finally wrote something - only a small triple drabble (300 words) but it's the first thing I've written since the end of NaNoWriMo in November, so I'm quite pleased. I need to get back into a writing groove.

Finally, I've managed to write a story. Crazy things my muse does to me. 

But I've been posting some of my other works on FaceBook because an acquaintance nominated me for Five Days of Art. Do you follow me on FaceBook? I have a large number of friends there. Feel free to message me and I'll give you my info so that you can find and friend me.

I use FB often, but like anything else, I find it easy to put aside for days
at a time too. 

So today it's one more day of hacking and coughing at work, followed by the second half of the chicken stir-fry I made for dinner and a quick update on my FB Page for my Day 4 of Five Days of Art choices. Then sleep. Yippee! Sunday will be spent doing some serious laundry. I can't wait! Have a wonderful weekend.

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