Thursday, January 29, 2015

OK - Speed is of the Essence

OK. Let's see how fast I can writs a blog. I have 30 minutes until I need to gather my things and leave for the gym. Yesterday's 'drowning guppy' day was quite successful. I've now ordered some palm devices to help me with my swimming as well as two more really big towels. It's amazing the difference a large towel can make for me in the shower and communal dressing/locker room.

A big "Thank You" to everyone who participated in the discussions
over the past three days! 

So, one more HUGE shout out of "THANK YOU" to every one of you who chimed in on the posts of the past three days. It was a wonderful experience for me as I read through your observations, reflections, and commentary and I know others learned as well as they wound their way through them. Despite the negativity that pulled the original subject out, the connectivity brought by your follow-up posts and discussion brought me great joy. I truly have the BEST on-line friends EVER!

I loved this pic of a girl throwing flower petals. I'm tossing them at each of you! 

So to all of you, a large and heartfelt thank you. Tomorrow should be a little less rushed so I'm thinking maybe a nice photo blog for my Friday. Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone.

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