Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Little Disappointments But Extra Sleep

I'm not at the gym today. I'm very disappointed about that. But I wouldn't be welcome there - I can barely go two minutes without coughing, hacking, or blowing my nose. So as much as I want to be there working out on the machines (and tomorrow in the water), it's not going to happen until I feel better once more. Any advances I was making over the past two weeks have just been sidetracked and maybe even reversed. SIGH. Still, the last thing I want is making anyone else sick with my cold.

I can't go back to the gym until I'm over this cold. I miss it! 

Because I knew I wouldn't make it to the gym today, I allowed myself to have an extra hour of overnight sleep, waking at 4:30 am instead of 3:15 am. I also went to bed earlier - at 8:00 am, so for a change I got lots of sleep. But I'm just not shaking this cold. Call me NOT HAPPY.

Mine is a pale golden color, thus the name "Smaug". 

My new laptop, Smaug, has been having problems connecting to the internet at the shop lately. I'm not exactly sure what's going on with it and don't really have time to try and track things down until tomorrow. But I'll continue to try things out. It's very frustrating because I really like to be able to use it at the shop when necessary. It's just been the last three days or so that it's been having issues. I'll turn it on quickly here before I leave today and see if it is having the same problems with my home Wi-Fi. The kicker is that the network seems just fine, so I'm not sure what the heck is going on.

Time to run some trouble-shooting suggestions and see if I
can improve my connectivity. 

I should hear from my appliance store installers today about when they'll be by tomorrow for the install of my new washer and dryer. I can't WAIT! So, have a great Tuesday and don't come down with the Creeping Crud. It's really NOT FUN!

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