Friday, December 12, 2014

Cards and Roommates

Yesterday I was able to send off all of my international cards. My domestics should be out the door no later than Monday. Once again I will have beat my deadline, and I'm already starting to think of the logistics of next year's card. It won't be a cakewalk, but will have some interesting challenges for me. I love a challenge....

I'm a fan of the Muppets singing the "Twelve Days of Christmas". There's just
something about Miss Piggy singing "Five Gold Rings" that makes me laugh
every time. 

If you're singing the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song (or if I just placed that ear wig into you for the day - my apologies), it's time for you to collect your gifts. Tomorrow's gift is really easy - a partridge in a pear tree. Things get more difficult from there and getting the drummers, pipers, and ladies dancing at this time of the year with union scale wages - well, you're going to spend a lot on a very silly gift. Nonetheless, it all starts tomorrow, so gear up those birds and get set to gift.

I need to wrap and mail Sharon's gift. It's a good thing I only have
to send one gift out of town. I always push until the last minute *sigh*

I've got to get Sharon's gift wrapped and mailed. I purchased it more than a week ago, but have been busy with other stuff and haven't had the time to spare to wrap and ship. Silly me.

I wasn't sure about what to take this year until I saw one class.
Yeah - I want to go because I really want to take this class. 

The catalog for the 2015 Bead & Button Show classes was delivered to my shop yesterday. I expect I'll get one at home shortly also, I usually get a copy at each address. There are a few classes that caught my eye immediately. So, yes, I do want to attend again.

Although I've had fabulous roomies in the past, I'm a very private person
and would have preferred to stay solo or with an old friend. However, Shruti
is staying in India this year and Poo is staying in Sacramento, so that leaves
me a loose ends for a roomie. Time to find a new friend...

My problem - hotel rates have increased (again) and I really need a roommate for this coming year's event. So I put a call out on Facebook and I'm putting another call-out here for anyone who will be attending the show and would be interested in sharing a hotel room to contact me. I want to get my reservations nailed pretty quickly since I now have a good idea of my schedule. PM or email me if you are interested.

Oh yeah, now I remember. When I'm juggling too many things in
my head, maybe it's time to actually write a list? 

So generally, things are actually going well which makes me a bit worried. What have I forgotten? Oh yes! I need to write and design the email for our year-end sale. Oops! Guess I'd better get focused on that for a while...

Happy Friday to all...

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