NaNoWriMo 2014 is complete for me, and I notice that several of my writing buddies are also either winners or easily within reach of completion. It's always such a buzz to realize that I've managed to pull out 50,000+ words again, but am I pleased with everything I've written? Hell no. Still, it gets my thoughts down onto cyber paper, helps me to organize my plot and flesh out my characters, and if 90% of it ends up on the cutting room floor when I finally edit this monster, that's OK. Even though what I've written may not make it into the final manuscript, it all helped me to see my characters with greater clarity and put myself into their shoes for the period of time I've chosen. I have at least one more, maybe even two more NaNo's left before I've finished this book. Rather pathetic, really. But when I'm done, and I have a massive 200,000-250,000 words written, I'll be able to edit, arrange, cull, and polish and, hopefully, have something that will be readable, enjoyable, and publish-worthy by the end of it all. However, one step is a firm reality - another year, another NaNo. Now to return to life.
Three years, three wins and still the same novel (and it isn't finished yet!) Good grief! But NaNo is a lot of fun. Now to catch up with my life once again... |
I still haven't written the Black Friday email that needs to go out to my customers tonight. I'll be working on that when I get to the shop today, but I hate the fact that I've let things slide this long. I did work on it a bit last night but it's hard for me to concentrate on those things at night when I'm exhausted and trying to relax a bit before sleep. Today will be punishing. I have a ton of stuff to get done and not a lot of time in which to do it. Ick!!!!!
I love making my holiday cards. I started this year's cards in July and I'll still manage to run tightly to the deadline of Solstice. But I have such a good time with them, I don't mind pushing things a bit. |
I can, however, finally get back to work on my holiday cards. I'll be putting a general call-out to all of my friends for addresses. Yes, I have addresses from prior years, but I always call out anyway because I want to make sure that my notes are still accurate. Keep your eyes on this space - I'll be posting the call-out within the next few days.
I love books and read constantly. Ebooks have been my total salvation. I read on my phone with my NookBook application and I can carry my books with me in my pocket everywhere I go. |
Now it's time to take an opportunity to relax a bit. I think I'll read a novel - LOL. Happy Tuesday to all!
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