Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Couples - A Photo Blog

A photo blog today because I'm already running late and I have a million (or what seems like a million) errands to run today. After yesterday's great discussion on sexual comfort levels, today I give you a variety of couples for your photo viewing.

This picture was just sweet. 

Although this is from an ad for sexual counseling in New York State, I
thought it was too pretty an image not to share with all of you. 

It's hard to resist good animal couples and this mouse and
frog were a great pair. 

How about these fabulous Inca Doves by Suzanne Britton? I love the
coloring of the wings and the soft details of the chest. 

Finally, just because I really like these two lovers, here's a picture
from Washington state on the date same-sex marriage licenses were
permitted and marriages could be performed. This great couple were
among the first in line to get legally married. 

So there you have it. Couples for the day. I'm running all over town today, doing some beta work for my ever-patient friend Lai, talking with Aearwen, and doing my usual laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, etc. It's a busy Wednesday but I hope yours is excellent and filled with good memories by the end of the day.

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