Friday, December 20, 2013

Good Holidays to All

Solstice arrived and the sun will probably rise again in an hour or so, starting another revolution of the wheel of time and life. For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere - welcome toward your decline to the snows of winter, and for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we're on our climb back up to High Summer.

I thought sunrise pictures might be appropriate on this first day of the New Year....

This photo is from Newgrange, Ireland

This sunrise is from South Curl - so beautiful!

This is from 2012's Druidic Solstice ceremony at Stonehenge. 

This lovely sunrise is a Winter Solstice picture taken in Cusco, Peru. We can look
forward to this in six months, but today we celebrate. 

Celebrate with friends and others as we commemorate another turn of the Wheel. 

Have a wonderful Friday!

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