Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Errands and Pictures of Fountains - Just Because

Today is my day off which means errands all over town, repairs backed up waiting for my attention, an illustration for CB that I had hoped to get to last week (didn't happen) that maybe can be done today, and my weekly phone gab-fest with Aearwen which had been postponed last week. All good, but a crazy day for sure. Because I allowed myself a bit of extra sleep this morning, I'm running a bit late. I think it's time for a picture blog and because the world has so much bad going on, I'm going to concentrate on uplifting things...FOUNTAINS! Today I'm looking at less traditional styled fountains from around the world.

Broken Sidewalk fountain doesn't rise high but has lots of water.

This is similar using white glass in an interior setting.

This fountain is named Sea Passage. I love the mosaic tiles adding
interesting color and texture to the water.

The Julie Penrose Fountain. I think I've shown this one before, but
it is one of my favorites. It's in Colorado Springs, Colorado. So pretty!

This is the Tanner Fountain at Harvard University. It's fun, flurty, a
cool place to relax and a great place to rock jump if you're so inclined.

And finally, two views (day and night) of the Fountain of Wealth in Singapore...

Fountain of Wealth - Singapore

Fountain of Wealth - Singapore at night

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